The following summaries provide links to articles explaining and promoting the products and services of DLUK.  This is an online business with retail premises based in Ryde on the Isle of Wight.

DLUK is a prime supplier of photo picture frame, personalised gift products, and photographer/videographer services.  Picture frames are supplied on both a retail and wholesale trade basis, and the company regularly provides picture frame products to many well known organisations and companies.  The personalised gift products cater to provide unique gift solutions covering birthdays (The Day You Were Born), anniversaries (Our Wedding Day), baby births and most other special occasions.

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Products & Services

How To Find The Meaning & Origin of Your First Name.   We all have a nomenclature that carries youFramed Wendy Name Meaning Gift throughout the rich tapestry of life.  However the very origin of an individual’s first name can have its roots in events that happened hundreds if not thousands of years ago.  This concise article provides an insight on how Christian first names evolved; and also provides information on how to uncover a first name meaning and origin.  Datalite UK Ltd produces its own personalised gift product called 'First Name Origin & Meaning'; this is an ideal present for those special occasions.  All names are covered irrespective of country, region, or religious origin - if they're not on Datalite's extensive database then the meaning will be promptly researched.  These products can be ordered from the DAYBORN website,

When Did People Start Giving Christmas Gifts and Why?    The giving or sending of a gift at Christmas timeLady opening Christmas gift parcel. has its origins going back even before the famous biblical birth!  The Victorian era appeared to have epitomised the true spirit of Christmas and instigated many of the current seasonal traditions.  In current times Christmas is a huge commercial enterprise, with the business run up starting as soon as Summer Holidays are finished.  Indeed for many the Christmas period can be a very stressful and expensive time, particularly through the over expectation of gifts from some.  This essay looks at the history of Christmas gift giving, tracing its origins through the Middle Ages and back to antiquity with the celebration of the Winter Solstice and the Yule time celebrations of yore.
HEALTH & SAFETY - Is Perspex Plastic Really a Better Choice than Glass?  The United Kingdom currentlyBending Styrene Plastic Safety Glass appears risk averse and obsessed with Health and Safety issues.  Indeed this can be taken to extremes, and has led to over zealous interpretation with the banning of such innocuous items and activities such as hanging baskets, pantomime shows throwing sweets to children, conker competitions.  When it comes to purchasing picture frames, many organisations particularly those linked with government demand the more expensive and environmentally unfriendly plastic safety glass over traditional glass.  This article examines whether plastic glass really is a safer option than traditional glass.
What Happened On The Day You Were Born?   People may come across as only being concerned aboBaby Newspaper Hat News of Day Bornut others with little regard for self, but in the final analysis with precious few exceptions, the vast majority have a natural interest in their own origin.  If a question is posed to most individuals 'What Happened On The Day You Were Born?" it is a fair bet the response will not extend much past "Well I Was Born Of Course?".  True, but there was also a myriad of news events happening at that moment, fashions and music in vogue, sporting events and a whole world that was the effective and unique stage of an individual's entry to the world.  This article explores the natural interest in this all important individual event and provides useful resources for further research.
Despatching Fragile Products – Tips From A Picture Frame Supplier - Package Box Marked FragileNo successful business likes to take the flak, expense, and possible loss of a customer, due to the failings of another business.  Such a scenario can present itself for any business delivering products via mail.  Ultimately success and reputation is very much dependant on the efficiency of the transit company employed.  Frames Online UK despatches picture frame products containing inherently fragile glass; tips and experiences are provided on protecting and despatching fragile products and provision of sound customer service following reported breakages.

Personalised Gift Products - A Novel Niche Business Concept - Datalite produces a number of personalisedFramed Personalised Custom Gift Product framed certificates including the ever popular 'The Day You Were Born', 'Our Wedding Day', 'Baby Certificates' and many others.  This article was originally written in the year 2007 and provided a brief company history and excursion into the novel gift idea business.  Some recent updating has been done, to include an accompanying image to the page and add some historical references.  Personalised gift products continue to be popular item for the company, and currently (December 2010) many new gift idea products are planned for the future.  These will be covered in future articles and press releases.

Picture Frame Supplier 'Dips Toe' in Wholesale Market  - Datalite UK Ltd under its Frames Online UK A4 Teak Wholesale  Photo Picture Frames branding developed a popular and loyal customer base with its supply of smaller quantities of picture frames.  This article explores the decision and mechanics of its expansion into the wholesale trade marked.  Update 2011:- Originally Frames Online offered smaller batches of photo picture frames on a retail basis, these were (and are) delivered fast on a retail basis.  The expansion into the wholesale trade market has proved a tremendous success, and the company has and continues to supply large qualities of picture frames to many well known organisations and  blue chip companies.   This article is of historic business interest.

All content is (c) Copyright DATALITE UK Ltd 2013 - Business Supply of Photo Picture Frames and Personalised Gift Products.